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There are plenty of seats at the table but it's up to you to park your rear in one...

H'Operation Easter Basket

Thanks to everyone who participated in H’operation Easter Basket at JCJC! We collected 72 Easter baskets and had an overflow of candy, toys, and other assorted Easter goodies for children staying in Hattiesburg shelters over the holiday weekend. Thanks for helping us share the love of Christ with so many children in need!

Opportunities to connect, serve and grow...

Community Groups...

These are groups of students that gather throughout the week to learn more about God and live life together. Currently we offer group on the following days/times but we are open to starting up new groups if none of these work with your schedule. Just let us know!

Tuesdays @ 7p - Anderson Hall

Tuesdays @ 11a - in the cafeteria.


This is JCJC Wesley's large group gathering. It's a time for us to take our foot off the accelerator and refocus ourselves on the things that matter most. We gather for worship and a message at 6:15p in Foote Chapel (across from the cafeteria).

Statewide Retreat!

This is an annual retreat in February.  Wesley Foundations from all over the state of Mississippi gather together for worship and teaching from God's Word. 

FEB 7-9th in Morton, MS. Cost is $83/person (incl food/lodging/weekend of fun). Don't miss out! Scholarships are available if money is tight. Deadline to sign up is JAN 23rd.

Opportunities to Serve:


​Coffee Cart

Volunteer to serve free coffee/hot chocolate to fellow students, faculty, and staff at JCJC on Tuesday mornings.



Weekly Meeting

Play a musical instrument or sing? Good with powerpoint? Or maybe just quick on your feet in front of a crowd? Let us know! We are always looking for help with our community worship service!

Social Media/Tech Wizards

Help Wesley stay current using your mad tech skills.  Let us know if you are a webmaster, podcast guru, or social media butterfly!

Discipleship Tools...

"Jesus came and told his disciples, 'I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'" (Matthew 28:18-20)


That's our call.

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